The priests are regularly invited to the neighbouring convents and chapels for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to conduct retreats and novenas. For some of the spiritual exercises they are even invited abroad at times.
Some friars from Goa are regularly invited to various parts of India to conducts classes and some seminars too, apart from retreats and novenas.
Often in the past and even at present, the priests go around to parishes or chapels on mission preaching. This is done in groups to proclaim the Word, hear confessions, have counselling sessions if possible, and even manage the music ministry at times.
The parish priest at St. Lawrence Church, Sinquerim, is given charge of the prison ministry at the Aguada Jail, offering the inmates not merely spiritual nourishment for their soul, but comfort and counselling too during this difficult phase of their life. At least a couple of visits to the prison every month are undertaken for the same.